Vineyard Barn 07.26.08
Palms at Night 07.25.08
Water Vines 07.24.08

Game Day 07.23.08 (taken with iphone)
Hay 07.22.08
Restored, Renewed, Revived, Reclaimed, and Redeemed.........
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.-Audrey Hepburn
I was reading a book about Audrey Hepburn this week, called “How to be Lovely”, because who does not want to be considered lovely? It really didn’t teach me anything new, since it was filled with items my Mom has already taught me or reminds me of when I am, shall I say……not so lovely. It was filled with stories of her life, sprinkled with lots of quotes and this one kind of sums up my thoughts for the week. We may live in a disposable world each day, but people are a renewable energy all their own.
Have a most excellent week. I had another wonderful week with my camera.
1 comment:
I'm so pleased I discovered your photo blog by way of facebook! Wonderful work, wonderful art. I am inspired by your one a day goal - huge goal but you're almost 1/12th of the way there. I better get to working this monday morning instead of admiring your photos!
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