Poppies on the track 04.07.09
House of Books 04.06.09
Door Knob 04.06.09
Healdsburg Home 04.06.09
Colorful Shack 04.05.09
West Olivet Crossroads 04.04.09
Tall Gate 04.04.09
West Olivet Vineyard 04.04.09
Poppy field 04.03.09
Pretty in Pink 04.02.09
Passing time 04.01.09
So things have been crazy these past few weeks, but I did have this strange aha moment in the ER while I was sitting with Hubs. I was sitting there drinking my Grande Non Fat No Foam Latte (yes I am one of those that has a few requests for my cup of coffee), thinking it would be a long night. I had run out things to read, those hospital warnings signs can only take a girl so far. I looked at my coffee cup and there it was "The way I see it #76", the words of Anne Morriss
“The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating – in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life”
Wow, Ms. Morris is so right about being committed to something; our heads are sometimes the barrier to our own lives. I just love the "rational hesitation" line because we have all done that at times. So let’s not do that anymore. Okay? and thank you to Ms. Morriss for sharing her wisdom.
-Monique Jervan-Chilton
PS I do have to say, this is one of my favorite times year, I think it must be the sunshine and all the baseball. My next post will have some of that. Stay Tuned!
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